Should you decide to swap Squadmates, you’ll have the chance to allocate their points by simply going to the Talents UI. You can recruit them by accomplishing Missions while some are readily available since they already serve the Alliance Military. There are a total of 6 Squadmates in the game but you can only bring two at a time before leaving the Normandy. Below you’ll find the similarities a differences of combat in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, as well as helpful tips to increase your chances of survival. One of the most notable changes is Combat, which is why we’ve dedicated an entire guide just to it. Mass Effect Legendary is a massive production, and there are not only 3 games to discuss, but all 3 do things a bit differently, even if they are somewhat similar in a lot of cases. Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Beginner’s Guide to Combat Mechanics (Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3) If you’re new to Mass Effect and you want to understand how Combat works, then this Guide is for you. Not all of these mechanics will be present in each of the trilogy’s sections since some functionalities have been removed completely or have remained entirely the same. I’ll dive into the similarities and differences when it comes to Character Advancement, and Squadmates, as well as the Weapons and Armor Commander Shepard and his or her enemies equip. In this Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Beginner’s Guide, we’re going to take a look at Combat Mechanics in Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3.